Piecing together HPC and a career
ASCR’s outgoing associate director reflects on a decades-long career that took her from a helpdesk to overseeing DOE’s supercomputing facilities.
ASCR’s outgoing associate director reflects on a decades-long career that took her from a helpdesk to overseeing DOE’s supercomputing facilities.
The SciDAC program boosted this Argonne scientist’s career. Now he’s returning the favor, helping lead SciDAC into the AI and exascale eras.
A Pi Day celebration of the pi-dependent algorithm and the computational science pioneer who transformed climate modeling.
Lab aims to go from after-the-fact scientific data analysis to real-time interpretation.
Northwestern University researcher Jorge Nocedal’s algorithms improve global weather predictions and help boost energy efficiency in skyscrapers. His work earned him the 2012 George B. Dantzig Prize.
Combinatorial scientific computing, or CSC, has helped reveal new ways of understanding deep, hidden structure in our world, in areas from genomics to engineering.
Warren Washington has wedded computers and climate science for more than 50 years, culminating in the National Medal of Science.
Through difficulty, Berkeley Lab’s Cecilia Aragon soars to the stars.
In the past few decades, computation has become so critical that combustion experimentation through simulation has become the only game in town.