A deeper shade of green
Northwestern University DOE Early Career Award recipient speeds alternative-energy discoveries.
Northwestern University DOE Early Career Award recipient speeds alternative-energy discoveries.
Weill Cornell team uses powerful computing to decipher the molecular mechanics of healthy and diseased cells.
University of Maryland DOE Early Career researcher explores flexible, dynamic architectures for high-performance computers.
A USC computer scientist wants to produce quantum materials at scale, with help from Argonne supercomputers.
Computation reveals details about how matter falling into these massive cosmic objects and the energy released from them affect the universe’s evolution.
DOE researchers’ simulations on Oak Ridge’s Frontier exascale computer may bring carbon-neutral aviation closer to reality.
A Brown University DOE Early Career Award recipient applies physical constraints to improve finite element methods, a computational modeling workhorse.
An NREL researcher makes new tools for extreme-weather predictions.
Oak Ridge’s algorithms for exascale computers, a Gordon Bell Prize finalist at SC23, anticipates the arrival of next-generation nuclear power for climate-change mitigation.
UIC-led team uses powerful computers to unfurl genomic secrets.