A Spark in the dark
The cosmological search in the dark is no walk in the park. With help from Berkeley Lab’s NERSC, Fermilab aims open-source software at data from high-energy physics.
The cosmological search in the dark is no walk in the park. With help from Berkeley Lab’s NERSC, Fermilab aims open-source software at data from high-energy physics.
Supercomputing aids experiments in sorting out the hidden mechanics of magnetic field reconnection, a key factor in solar storms and fusion energy reactors.
The Titan supercomputer and a tool called Starkiller help Stony Brook University-led team simulate key moments in exploding stars.
Early-universe models evolve to handle observations to come.
Trillion-particle simulations take on the biggest big-data problems that exist.
Observations support a supernova shock phenomenon discovered through computer modeling.
Supercomputer models point to twists in a star’s death throes.
A universe evolution simulation scores petaflops performance.
Physicists looking for patterns in the cosmos face a huge challenge in data handling and analysis.
Mysteries of phenomena both minuscule and magnificent await supercomputing muscle.