Cleansed coal
A University of Utah team is turning to high-performance computing to design a clean oxy-coal boiler.
Toughening turbines
Supercomputer models help design self-healing materials to repair fissures in turbines.
Pointing the way
Checking it out
PETSc, a library of ready-to-use high-performance computing software, is gaining renown for its simulation-tackling tools.
Weather extremists
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory modelers turn to extreme-scale computing to simulate climate and weather extremes like the ‘Pineapple Express’ that drenched the West Coast this winter.
Multitasking pileup
Data efficiency blooms with the ROSE Framework.
Careers that compute
DOE computing jobs go begging for applicants, study finds.
Nuclei by the numbers
Building a ‘nucleus from scratch’ through advanced computing.
Exascale road bumps
A blue-ribbon panel identifies the top 10 challenges on the path to a computer a thousand times faster than today’s machines.