Cancer uncertainties
Models based on advanced statistical theory and machine-learning algorithms aim to predict a disease’s trajectory.
Models based on advanced statistical theory and machine-learning algorithms aim to predict a disease’s trajectory.
National labs lead the push for operating systems that let applications run at exascale.
A University of Michigan team uses high-performance computing at Oak Ridge to predict how crystals form.
A Princeton-led team uses earthquakes and Oak Ridge’s Titan supercomputer to map the heat engine called Earth.
To handle troves of high-energy physics data, Fermilab researchers and others are turning to high-performance computing labs, academic grids and the commercial cloud.
An Oak Ridge-led pilot project is devising automated computational tools to collect key data from medical records and deliver the right cancer treatment at the right time.
High-performance computing informs predictions on subsurface carbon dioxide, water resources systems and oil and gas production.
The Department of Energy collaborates with the National Cancer Institute to apply supercomputing number-crunching power to cancer research.
For high-performance computing’s next wave, today’s humble operating system will have to assume new roles in synchronizing and coordinating tasks.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory-University of Tennessee team hopes to ease the path from vegetation to biofuel.