The incredible shrinking data
An Argonne National Laboratory computer scientist finds efficiencies for extracting knowledge from a data explosion.
An Argonne National Laboratory computer scientist finds efficiencies for extracting knowledge from a data explosion.
Los Alamos researchers develop code to distribute computation more efficiently and across increasing numbers of supercomputer processors.
Simulations on Oak Ridge’s Titan supercomputer reveal how pulsed lasers can best sculpt metal nanoparticles.
Rice University team computes protein conformations for paths around autoimmunity.
A Sandia researcher applies his DOE early-career award to improving predictive reliability in high-performance computing.
A San Diego State-led group simulates San Andreas earthquakes in three dimensions.
ESnet’s DOE early-career awardee works to overcome roadblocks in computational networks.
A Purdue University professor is using a DOE early-career award to bridge gaps in high-performance computing languages.
Supercomputers let an Oak Ridge National Laboratory-led group explore how atoms align in magnetic materials.
The cosmological search in the dark is no walk in the park. With help from Berkeley Lab’s NERSC, Fermilab aims open-source software at data from high-energy physics.